29 Gifts: The Website
I first heard about 29 Gifts on an "Inspiring Women" radio show. It was early in the morning and I wasn't exactly sure what I was listening to. What I learned was the woman being interviewed had been diagnosed with MS and her spiritual advisor gave her the suggestion of "give a gift each day to someone for 29 days..."
I was intrigued by this idea and when I purchased the book, I wasn't sure what I would get. If it would be an instructive manual on gift giving, a self-helpy how-to-change-your-life guide, or something else with a memoir spin. I was thankful to learn it was something else, that in fact, this is Cami Walker's story of how she overcame some challenges in her life brought on by MS, too many medications, her own thinking, and took back her life by focusing on giving to others.
The memoir soars along giving you backstory on Cami's life as well as sharing the gift she gave each day (for 29 days) and how it worked out. The book is easy to follow and has an interesting spin on how when we focus our thoughts on others we can start to forget our own troubles.
Throughout the book, I never lost interest and found Cami's candor refreshing and her story, unique and told with spirit and character. I finished the book in two days. It's a great read if you're looking to be inspired a bit and it might even be a new New Year's resolution for you to add into your January. The idea of giving a small gift each day (a gift that does not have to be material) is something that could be added into everyone's life and really, that small step just might make this world a little better place.
Other thoughts--
This makes a great gift (hostess gift, birthday gift or otherwise).
The 29 Gift Website:
There is also a 29 Gift website to track your own progress and document your own attempt at 29 days of giving gifts. I joined this website to document my own gift giving (I'm on day 11) and the community of people who are doing this is diverse and supportive.
The only knot I get in my stomach about this website is the boutique section where you can buy an "Affirmation Mirror" that reads "I am a gift" for $14.29. The website says that 20% of the proceeds go to making the world a better place, but it doesn't really say how. I guess I shouldn't be surprised in this world marketing and toys to go along with the movie, but I just don't want to see such a good idea of giving become a money-making opportunity for those behind the scenes. But I guess I can understand how it expanded to that, and well, the 29 Gift journal is kind of cool (though I do wish I could see or know exactly how the money is being used as they are not a non-profit organization).
Final Thoughts--
Definitely Recommend: 29 Gifts! the book (a great read!)
Recommend: the website for the blog aspect to document your own attempt to give 29 gifts.
Not sure I recommend: the website's boutique. I still need to learn more about where the money is going...